Pave The Way To The Cross

Priorities and Projects

the Fisher of Men statue in front of The Empty Cross.

All of these needed items directly affect evangelism, healings and various miracles that take place at the Garden.   

Where Do Your Donations Go?

a closeup of the Hope statue

What Are Our Current Needs?

Priority 1 - Immediate Need

Priority 2 - Desire

  • Irrigation system – three new planting beds ($3,000)
  • Permanent Restroom facility – ( $300,000) – located by Garden (City water and sewage already provided.)
  • Bus/RV parking lot – ( $200,000)
  • Food Court – Amphitheater ( $350,000) located by Garden entrance
  • Billboards – along Texas highways

Priority 3 - Vision

  • TCKF Covenant Garden Multiplication Fund – ($10,000) – a fund specifically for the “sowing” of other “COVENANT CERTIFIED” Gardens to be planted across America and the world, so millions might know the love of Jesus in these last days.
  • Rising Eagle sculpture – ($85,000) – Max Greiner’s vision of the Isaiah 40:31 eagle.

but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
  • Visitors Center /Museum – ($7,000,000) – Public restrooms, theater, museums, displays, meeting areas, gift shop gallery, and TCKF offices!
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