Pave The Way To The Cross

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“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

Judy Davis, Dallas, TX

“What a joy to hear you at the Regional Aglow Meeting in Grapevine, see you, and then have time to fellowship with you. Your vision is huge, but our God is so much greater and He will bring it all to pass, just as He has shown you and promised. Take heart for the battle truly is His. I would say to you that there are many women He has brought you to (Aglow) and brought to you for strengthening, lifting and cheering you on for such a time as this. I believe I am such a one. There was such a Spirit witness to join what He is doing through you. There will be a praying into existence, this prayer garden and many, many other across this nation, they will be one of the signs and wonders for sure and it is an end time harvest strategy. So, I am reporting for duty Lord, to lift up this brother and his wife, and ministry. We have ignition, we have lift- off. We look to You Father for all that is needed to birth this…glory to Your name!”

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