Pave The Way To The Cross

Marcie and Mike Nye, Litchfield, MI

“Dear Max, Sherry & TCKF Board: After discovering the Coming King Foundation Garden in 2013, I was so impressed with the whole concept, with the depth of commitment and perseverance it has taken to bring the garden to fruition, that I continued to follow its progress on the Internet when we returned to Michigan. When it became apparent that I would inherit a large sum of money from my mother, I knew I would tithe a portion of it to the work of Christ. As I prayed, Christ’s words to Peter kept returning to me – ‘Do you love me? Feed my sheep.’ John 21:16. I believe the best way to feed Christ’s sheep in large numbers is either to reach them through Christian radio or through the beautiful, spirit- filled work of the garden. As I continued to pray, it became clear to me that the best use of the funds would be to help further the work of the garden, because it is such a light on a hill to the world, a beacon of hope, an amazing tool to guide people to Christ. Ever since my husband and his parents led me to Christ about 45 years ago, I’ve been so grateful that I have wanted to share my faith with others. I have always been in awe that Christ gave His life for me. He has been “the Way, the Truth and the Life “ for me. What better way for others to find Christ than to be led to Him with all the beautiful, visual assistance and tools this garden provides. I have tried to explain the depth of my commitment to, and love for Christ and His people, and also my desire that all may find Him – that the garden may be used as the vehicle to accomplish this. This is who God created me to be. In finding Christ, I found my purpose and my life. God has taught me that His all-encompassing love is sufficient. Once we find Him, His love is all we need. Matthew 6:33: ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.’ You may use our names.”

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