Pave The Way To The Cross

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“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

Rick Rapp, Corpus Christi, TX

“I had been hearing about this place for a little while, when two weeks ago my girlfriend and I, both Christians, decided to come see. During our time praying and meditating late into the night, after 1 AM, my girlfriend received the Gold Dust covering her entire left cheek, and two gold flecks in the cup of her left index fingernail. Very moving! Upon our decision to leave for the eve, I took three pictures from the parking lot of the cross’s f ull magnificent sight. It was a crystal clear night, not a cloud in the sky, just the cross and all its illuminated glory. Something told me to study my pictures. I did so. That’s when I noticed all three had a “white cloud” in the upper right hand side of the pictures, high above the light illuminating the top of the cross. Barbara and I were in awe. God and the Holy Spirit had shown Himself to us, for sure me, and how I needed to see it!…The next Sunday I got up and testified the whole story in front of my church. People were crying, praising, goose bumps, and many hugs and thank you’s for sharing. …Thank you God!”

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