Pave The Way To The Cross


Christine Black Vincent, Killeen, Texas

“I have been honored and blessed to have been able to visit and be a part of the beautiful Prayer Garden in Kerrville, Texas. I truly believe it is a piece of God’s Heaven on Earth, and it is a place where you can come to pray, experiencing and feeling the presence and power of God in so many ways. We will be praying on September 13th for our Nation and for all […]

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“Thank you Father for healing Alan Bonnett! Thank you for miracles in our lives, financial and healing!”

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Jo Anne English, Kerrville, TX

“Dear Max, good seeing you yesterday. I had colon surgery in September and had 8 inches of my colon removed. The path report came back as good. No problems. My husband had a PSA score of 1.89 and had prostate cancer surgery in 2006. He had radiation in November and his PSA score in December was .04. We consider that to be a huge miracle. Thanks for praying for both of us under

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Col. Bill Lewis (90 year old TCKF Tour Guide Chaplain) Kerrville, TX

“As we all know; the Lord sends His children to the Cross for a variety of reasons; they most all leave having experienced His presence. Those who come to pray are often blessed with His perfect peace. We rejoice that some are healed; and take comfort in the knowledge that every single one is blessed. This is one more day when He sent me home with far more than I could ever have

Col. Bill Lewis (90 year old TCKF Tour Guide Chaplain) Kerrville, TX Read More »

Mira Herrera, Fredericksburg, TX

“My name is Mira Herrera and I live in Fredericksburg, Texas, I was introduced to the Empty Cross by my co- worker about 3 months ago. I am a 3 time cancer survivor and have always had a relationship with our Lord. In February I stopped by the cross with my 8 year old daughter to pray. I was struggling with my finances and worried about an upcoming visit with my oncologist. We

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“Just wanted to give Jesus a huge thank you for answering a prayer for my husband (at the Cross). As a Marine veteran who battles PTSD and serves depression, the VA requires he meet certain criteria in order to receive a certain card. Two weeks ago, I stood under the Cross and prayed. Not 20 minutes later my husband received the letter with the good news!!! Even though everyday he struggles with the

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Beth Kray

“I have many auto-immune diseases and had been very sick for years. On a good day for me, several years ago, my husband took me to lunch at a favorite restaurant. We had ordered and were enjoying time out and pleasant talk. All of a sudden, my entire body was consumed with rage. So very strong, I had never felt anything like this before. I told my husband that I had a fierce

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