Pave The Way To The Cross

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“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

Ronnie Vasquez, Mercedes, TX

In 2019 our prayers were answered for our baby girl on our first visit. We had not been able to get pregnant! We are back now pregnant again. Prayers needed so I can finish nursing school. 

I tell everyone prayers are answered here! 

1 thought on “Ronnie Vasquez, Mercedes, TX”

  1. My wife Diane and I were both raised in Christian homes up north, but each of us drifted from organized religion as we entered adulthood.
    Over those 4 decades, we found our FAITH waning. In 2019, we moved to beautiful Texas to enjoy retirement in Sun City Texas in Georgetown.
    On one of our road trips exploring the small towns nearby, we happened upon The Empty Cross, and paid it a visit. While enjoying the gardens, and especially the cross and sculptures, the true meaning of them didn’t fully resonate with us.
    We visited again in 2022, and during this visit we each felt the presence of God among us! It all had meaning and clarity that 4 decades of waning faith had hardened, and our first visit had loosened.
    Currently, I am reading through Max Greiner’s book “The Garden Art of Faith”, and it has opened my eyes fully, while strengthening my faith immensely!
    We are planning to visit again in 2 months, and while there will openly pray to God to be filled with The Holy Spirit!! We want to share the same sort of physical proof of the supernatural that has been experienced by SO many at The Empty Cross!
    The entire grounds are definitely a place of God, and definitely our favorite destination to travel to in Texas, and the United States…and the world!

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