Pave The Way To The Cross

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“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

Chris & Courtney Bruce, Boerne, TX

“In regard to our experience at the Cross of The Coming King, myself, along with a group of 4 other girls went out to the cross last week, and all left covered in glory dust, along with eyes that were opened wide to His manifest presence! We spent a couple hours worshiping, reading God’s Word, taking communion, praying and prophesying over each other, and spending time in His presence! Right at 11 am, on 11/11/11, a group showed up for a wedding and we had to leave. This was a prophetic symbol to us that what we prayed for was sealed and finished in that moment, and that we, the Bride of Christ, are waiting anxiously for the return of our King! The wedding commenced that day, and we are quite confident His manifest presence was filling the atmosphere in that place in a powerful way! I plan on making many more trips out to the Cross. Thanks again for your willingness to sow into the Kingdom in this way! Many have been blessed, and even many more will come to the saving knowledge of Christ, and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, in that place! We are forever changed by our face-to-face visit with God that day, and can’t wait to share our testimonies with many others!”

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