Pave The Way To The Cross

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“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

Ron Hicks, Boerne, TX

“The ongoing ministry at the Sculpture Prayer Garden is a powerful example of our LORD’s presence in this place. I have observed incredible signs and wonders consistently at the base of the cross, each time I have visited. In fact, the signs have continued after leaving the hilltop location, and visiting in Kerrville, after scheduled gatherings at the cross. On Wednesdays each week, Mims Johnston has led prayer for the community, this country as well as the world at the garden site. Her ministry has been a tremendous advantage to many lost souls, who have gotten saved each week, in addition to the numerous healings that happen all the time at the cross location, when believers join together during these special ministry gatherings, for the needs of others. This is the most important result of the garden: the work of Jesus Christ through Believers who come to the site and experience the power of His presence. It is amazing to me that the garden is not complete, yet the work on the cross by our LORD is at work at this location and is drawing people from all over the world.”

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