Pave The Way To The Cross

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“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

tripadvisor reviews coming king park

ATP828via TripAdvisor

“PRAYER GARDEN & SCULPTURE – This outdoor prayer garden and sculpture is well worth visiting. It is easy to get to. Plan to spend an hour or more exploring. There are several points of interest through the garden, including a prayer garden full of rocks with prayers written on them. This is extremely well done.”

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B.J.via TripAdvisor

“Very touching and sentimental. This was a very beautiful place to visit. Brought my kids, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Liked how all of the Bible verses on the stones in the ground were in English, Spanish, and German…so that more people can enjoy it.”

B.J.via TripAdvisor Read More »

Pfamily85via TripAdvisor

“Amazed! We traveled to Kerrville for this site specifically and it did not disappoint. My first visit w/friends I was with had been there several years ago and were amazed of all the additions make to the park. Truly holy ground. Prayed under the great Cross and experienced the “gift” there. Very peaceful site to visit. We returned that evening and were truly in awe of the site and feelings we experienced while

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