Pave The Way To The Cross

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“Establishing free Sculpture Prayer Gardens across the world to bring glory and souls to Jesus Christ.”

Cathy McFadden, Fort Worth, TX

“I have had a persistent cough for 20 years. Specialist after specialist, none found the root cause. Upon visiting The Empty Cross, my husband prayed for my healing as he and countless others had previously prayed. We cried and expressed our gratitude for His goodness. We then left to enjoy the rest of our visit to your area. Got home, went about our life and two days later my husband noticed I had not coughed. Having lived with it for so long, I hadn’t noticed myself. Hallelujah!!! I sincerely believe He healed me on the Holy ground of The Empty Cross that we had previously walked on. I receive His healing and I receive His grace. I am healed by the blood of Jesus and in His Mighty name!!!! A woman whom Jesus loves.”

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